Last night I decided to watch another movie even though I actually had a great night of gaming. I kicked a bit of ass in the single player campaign for RSV2. Anyway, I decided to download "Martian Child" in HD from the Xbox Live Market Place. I read some critic reviews over at rottentomatoes.com, and most were not favorable reviews. Not that that is ever a determining factor for me, but I read some anyway. Then I decided to read some of the user reviews. Those reviews were mostly favorable. I'll admit that I have not seen every Cusack movie, but the movies I've seen him in I've been mostly impressed with. He's a damn fine actor, and he's coming really close to knocking Johnny Depp out of my top spot. I definitely plan on seeing every movie Cusack has starred in. I loved him in "High Fidelity". "High Fidelity" is in my top five favorite movies. I really enjoyed "Martian Child". I went in not really knowing what to expect of it even though I did watch a trailer. I guess I was even kinda surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I won't even attempt to review it because I suck at movie reviews. It did keep me interested the entire time, so that's saying a lot for someone like me who has a short attention span most of the time. I really enjoyed Cusack's acting. He's always believable no matter what character he's playing. My rating for "Martian Child" is 8.5/10. I recommend seeing this if you like dramas.
My woman's got the hots for him.
Have you seen the movie called Identity with John Cusack? Awesome movie. I loved it.
Identity is good. Lots of his early films like Say Anything, Better Off Dead.
One that might get overlooked but rules is The Grifters.
btw I didn't like that martian child movie, though.
Better Off Dead Rules. So many great lines from that movie. One of my favorite comedies ever plus Diane Franklin rules.
1408 wasn't bad. I saw that in the theatre.
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