After listening to the latest episode of Podcast Beyond! and seeing all of the great reviews for METAL GEAR SOLID 4 I had to buy it. So far it's gotten 7 perfect review scores on metacritic.com and an average score of 94/100. When I bought it at Wal-mart today the guy behind the cash register was just raving about how great it was. I haven't played it yet, but I'll probably start soon. I only have one more mission in GTA4 to finish before I'm done with the game. After that I'll start playing MGS4. I watched the video review for MSG4 at IGN, and it looks beautiful. The graphics look amazing. This could possibly be the best looking game graphics wise that I've ever seen on a console. I've said it before and I'll say it again...it's a great time to be a gamer!
I can't buy any games right now but this would be first on my list, if I could.
If I hadn't just got my supplemental check I probably wouldn't have bought it.
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