Gears Of War fans rejoice! You can have your very own replica Lancer! Amazon.com is selling EXCLUSIVE replica lancers for $139.99! If you preorder the lancer you get Gears Of War 2 for free. Offer good while supplies last or until 11/7/08. 140 bones is a bit too steep for me, but I guess if I really wanted it I would get it. If the chainsaw worked it would be a no brainer. Link
Anyone Else Remember Poker & Blackjack for Intellivision? When The Dealer Shuffled The Deck It Sounded Like He Was Farting.
The chainsaw does work. Here are the details of the Lancer.
Product Features
* Trigger Activates Motorized "Chainsaw" Sound and Vibration Feature
* Side Handle Folds In & Out and Slides Back & Forth
* Removable Clip
* Created from the actual 3D data used in the Gears of War 2 videogame
* Powered by 3 "C" Batteries (not included)
No, I mean a REAL working cutting chainsaw! LOL
Never played GOA.
Not even sure it's on PS3. I never noticed it on ebay. If it is, I can prolly get it super cheap by now. Although I don't make enough time to play the games I have now. I finished Resistance Fall Of Man but I need to finish the second time as you get more weapons, then maybe play it on the hardest level. I havnt played much of my GTA4. Not that I don't want to. As soon as my madden gets here, all others will take a back seat. I just started Ghost Recon 2.
Damn, I got an email from amazon.com. They shipped my madden 09, already! Free shipping, no tax, plus I'll be getting a $10.00 gift card for pre-ordering, and I might get the game before it can be bought at the store. :)
GOW is only on the 360. It's a really good shooter.
I still need to finish Resistance! I know I gotta finish it before Resistance 2 comes out.
I'm on the very last mission in GTA4. The mission was pissing me off, so I stopped playing it. I'll get back to it again.
I plan on buying Madden on the 360 for the nerd points. Looks like you got a good deal pre-ordering from Amazon.
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