Frontlines: Fuel Of War is easily my favorite online multiplayer game. I can't stop playing it. Night after night I find myself playing this game. It's like crack. What's crazy is that it doesn't get the credit it deserves. That might be because of Call Of Duty 4. I feel like most shooter fans aren't willing to give other games a chance. They are STILL too busy playing COD4. It might be because there is zero buzz about this game. It has a metacritic.com score of 75. I think it deserves a higher score though. 75 is definitely respectful. Maybe it's because the single player campaign is a bit on the short side. The multiplayer makes up for that though.
Another plus is that at least four new maps are being released. One was just released, and it was free. COD4 and Halo 3 release map packs that you have to pay ten bucks for. I urge anyone who doesn't own this game and owns a 360 to go out and buy this or at the very least rent it. It's a highly underrated game that is eating up a lot of my gaming time.
I'll need to put this on my GameFly and try it out. I'll let you know when I have it so you can show me the ropes.
When you get it I'd definitely like to play online with you and Wing. I know he likes it too.
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