It's all about that headband. Nobody was cooler wearing a headband than Mike Reno. LMAO! Seriously though I like Loverboy probably a bit too much. They had some rockin' tunes in the 80's. 'Turn Me Loose' being my favorite for sure. How stuck in the 80's does one have to be to admit that they are a Loverboy fan here in 2008? My reply is VERY!
They got higher billing over The Scorppions and Iron Maiden back in 1982.
I saw Foreigner, on the 4 tour. Day on the green fest. 2nd billed was Loverboy, third Scorpions, OPENING band IRON MAIDEN. LOL It was Number Of The Beast tour. A month later Scorps came back on their own headline tour. Bklackout tour with Iron Maiden as the support band. What a couple of godly concerts. Scorps and Maiden are two of the best live bands you could ever see.
I would have loved to have seen that show! You're a bit older than I am. I was only 10 years old in 1982. I missed a bunch of tours I would have loved to have seen. I still say I was born about 5 or 6 years to late.
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