Here in south west Michigan we're getting hit with an artic blast. It's beyond cold. You can feel your nose hairs freeze when you inhale. That's cold! The other day I was thinking about how certain songs remind me of winter. Songs that remind me of winter are generally songs that I was listening to during winter time. Here are a few songs that come to mind that remind me of freezing cold days.
West End Girls - Petshop Boys
Land Of Confusion - Genesis
In A Dream - Tiamat (Basically the entire album "Clouds" has a winter feel to it)
Stop Draggin' My Heart Around - Stevie Nicks & Tom Petty
Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley (RICK ROLLED! No seriously it does.)
Walk Like An Egyptian -Bangles (This video was on Mtv a lot during the winter)
For Whom The Bell Tolls - Metallica
Tom's Diner - Suzanne Vega
Consequences - Iced Earth
Electric Crown - Testament (As well as all of "The Ritual")
Love Song - The Cure
Nothing Compares To You - Sinead O'Connor
I could probably think of more if I tried hard enough. What songs remind you of winter?
Lots of DOOM.
Black Sabbath- Black Sabbath
Asunder- A Clarion Call
Katatonia- Brave Murder Day
Clouds does it for me too. Particularly "A Caress Of Stars."
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