There are a ton of games that I had planned on renting from Gamefly that would give me easy achievement points. I had palnned on starting with Kung Fu Panda. I've played three levels of the game and I'm bored stiff. After the second level I realized I just wasn't having fun with the game. I thought to myself is it really worth playing a game that I don't like just to get some nerd points? My answer is hell no. I'm sending it back tomorrow. I refuse to give a shit about achievement points from this day forward. From now on I'm playing games on various consoles for fun. Achievement points and trophies be damned!
welcome to the dark side!
I hear ya. I am tired of Achievement points. The last challenge just wore me out and made me sick of them as well. I like them for the fact that I will try new things in games, but I am done with the Achievement Whoring. No more stupid games just for achievements. I am with you buddy.
If I had bought an XBOX, the points wouldn't have mattered to me. I play to beat a game and have fun.
BTW I have more trophies than you! LOL
I think I've only played two games that give trophies, maybe three.
Wing, you actually kinda got me thinking about how tired I am of playing bad games or even games that aren't fun for achievement points after listening to the last podcast.
Phil, in the beginning I didn't care at all about getting achievement points. Then after a couple of months I was addicted. I rarely ever play my PS3, and actually I've never cared at all about trophies. Sony only added trophies to say "hey we kinda have achievements too" which is lame.
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