First let me start with Fable 2. Yes, I'm still plugging away at it. There are just so many side quests to do. Obviously I want the full experience, so I'm going to do most of the side quests. There are a few that I don't really care about, so I'll probably skip those. There are some evil side quests that I'm not touching because I'm a "good guy". I'll go back a second time eventually and play evil as hell though.
I'm having way more fun than I expected. I knew I was in for a good game, but this is a great game that I'm hooked on. When I finish I might be a bit bummed out though I doubt it because Friday I picked up FALLOUT 3, so I have that waiting in the wings.
Little Big Planet isn't an incredible game. There I said it. So many people are acting like it's the second coming of Christ or something. It is a really good game, but it's not perfect. I've played it for a few hours alone and on co-op with the wife. The controls just aren't as precise as they need to be sometimes. Also going from the foreground to the background can be a pain in the ass at times. I do like the style of the game. I need to finish single play before I can start using user created content. That's actually what I'm most interested in. I doubt if I'll ever create my own levels. It just looks like too much damn work.
This coming week my wallet takes another couple of hits with Gears Of War 2 and Resistance 2 being released. Both are must haves if you own the 360 and PS3. Where the hell am I going to find the time for all of these games? The week after this it's Call of Duty: World at War and Mirror's Edge. Left 4 Dead the week after that.
I hope you all had a good Halloween. Mine was swell.
Oh, one more thing a certain idiot in Maine can suck it for this comment "haha the Bruins gave the Stars a lesson in violence last night! Beeeez win with an exclamation point 5 to 1!" My comment is this: The last Stanley Cup the B's won was in 1972. That was the year I was born. :D They'll be lucky to win another one before I'm dead and burried.
NY Rangers and San Jose Sharks.
Sharks are kicking some ass early on. The Stars haven't played the Sharks yet. They have played the Rangers. They beat the Rangers. It's been one of their very few wins so far this season.
Well, a certain someone in Maine is gonna be singing the blues for a while. Bye bye, McCain.
I voted for the first time in my life. Sick of the Nazi's in office. Time for some chitlins n grits.
I really voted so I could vote no on Prop 8 here in California. Us FAGGOTS should keep our rights to be able to marry.
LOL @ Sac and Phil's comments.
That asshole in Maine purposely made his gay little hockey game comments for obvious reasons. I knew damn well he'd post some bullshit on his myspace about it. He can continue to be the lonely no pussy getting living with his brother Star Wars geek that he is. Oh, and BOOYA McCain! Not that I give a shit either way though. I think they both suck ass.
"Oh, one more thing a certain idiot in Maine can suck it for this comment "haha the Bruins gave the Stars a lesson in violence last night! Beeeez win with an exclamation point 5 to 1!" My comment is this: The last Stanley Cup the B's won was in 1972. That was the year I was born. :D They'll be lucky to win another one before I'm dead and burried."
Wrong, wrong and wrong again. I'm enjoying a Stanley Cup. Nice try sending me a friend request at Yuku too, you're a fucking douche you know that.
Go laugh at pictures of me playing guitar at Lapland faggot.
You know why Facebook is the best thing online ever? Because metalhead assholes like you aren't on it, and when they are they/you have to use real names and have your relatives there to see your embarassing internet behavior so it never happens.
Fuck all of you. You are little people. I'm glad I came back to read this childish idiocy here after these few years.
Nothing ever changes with you simpletons. Good riddance.
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