So I'm driving my American made Ford Mustang today thinking about songs that are about America or at least have America in the title. I came up with a few. Some are worthy. Some are not so worthy.
James Brown "Living In America" (Right away I'm reminded of Rocky 4 when I hear it. Apollo Creed looking cheezy in his top hat and tails all decked out with stars and bars. I can get down to this song though. It's good. I FEEL GOOD!)
Night Ranger "You Can Still Rock In America" (You definitely still can, but most new rock bands sure can't. Somne would argue that Night Ranger can't either. Whatever though because I like Night Ranger in all of their cheezy 80's glory. This is a good guitar rock tune.
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers "American Girl" (I've been a fan of Petty for years. The guy can write a catchy song. I love catchy sing along songs. "American Girl" is no exception. It's a great song that was also part of the Fast Times At Ridgemont High soundtrack.
Neil Diamond "America" (I love this song! Yeah that's right I love it. I believe it was back in 1980 that this song was really popular and on the radio all the time. Neil has this reputation for being a dork or whatever...at least with my generation, but this guy was awesome. He's a great songwriter/performer. To me "America" is majestic and even epic.)
David Bowie "Young Americans" (I guess you could say this is Bowie's interpretation of young america back in the day? It's an ok song. I can take it or leave it.)
Kim Wilde "Kids In America" (I love this tune. It's one of those 80's tunes that stands out to me. Kim was hot back in the day too.)
David Bowie "I'm Afraid Of Americans" (Yet another Bowie song about Americans. I like this one enough that when it came out I downloaded it and burned it to a cd-r. Good stuff.)
Kid Rock "American Badass" (OK i'll admit this. I like this song. Years ago when it was released Mtv played the crap out of the video and for some reason I liked it. Maybe it was because he sampled "Sad But True" in the background? "Sad But True" is the only song on Metallica's "Black Album" that I like because it's the only heavy song on that album.)
Bruce Springsteen "Born In The U.S.A." (I own this on cd. My mom owned it on vinyl. Not really a big fan of the song. I do like how it doesn't shine the greatest light on America though. Too bad Reagan had no idea of that.)
Hulk Hogan & The Wrestling Boot Band "I Am A Real American" (How can you not get chills when you hear this song? Say your prayers & eat your vitamins, BROTHER!)
Don McClean "American Pie" (I hate this song with a passion! It's too long. It's too boring. It sucks!)
Grand Funk Railroad (We're An American Band" (God, I hate this one too. I mean holy shit how many times do they have to tell us in one song that they are an American band? OK, I get it already. You're an American band. Now shut up!)
The Guess Who "American Woman" (Great song. This one rocks. Lenny Kravitz's version does not!)
Styx - "Miss America" (Yep, this one rocks too. I like it. I don't love it, but it's good.)
M.O.D. "U.S.A. For M.O.D." (Tasteless and funny as hell. I like it!)
Anthrax "American Pompeii" ( It's Anthrax, so of course I like it! John Bush owns you, Sac!!!)
Def Leppard "Hello America" (It rocks! Back when Def Leppard ROCKED!)
Dio "Dying In America" (Blah, RJD was once the man, but not the album "Angry Machines".)
Gwar "America Must Be Destroyed" (For me GWAR is hot or miss, but mostly miss.)
Lawnmower Death "Kids In America" (I actually like this cover. Great band actually. If you have never heard "Satan's Trampoline" you need to!)
Motorhead "America" (It's Motorhead. You either like them, or you don't. This one is decent.)
Nuclear Assault "My America" (This is a band that I don't listen to nearly enough these days. Good song, and "Game Over" Rules!)
Pantera "The Underground In America" (This one is off of "The Great Southern Trendkill" which in my opinion is an incredible album and highly underrated.)
Pro-Pain "American Dreams" (One of my favorite bands, but not one of my favorite songs. It's ok.)
Sacred Reich "The American Way" (I love this song. I love this album. I love the guitar solo on this tune.)
WASP "Goodbye America" (WASP's best days are behind them. Once in a while they put out an album with a few good songs, but Blackie should really pack it in. This one is decent at best.)