The reason I ask the question are metal fans the worst music fans is because I was recently deep in thought about the next concert I'll be attending. Ok maybe I wasn't deep in thought, but some things crossed my mind when it comes to the fans of the genre of music that I mostly love. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't really care for most people I meet. I'm not big into crowds. The only way crowds work for me is if I don't really have to interact with them on a personal level. This is why hockey games and concerts are doable for me. At the same time concerts aren't an entirely enjoyable experience for me.
As much as I love metal music I pretty much detest most "metalheads". I find them more annoying than your average music fan. I'm not saying that every metalhead is an annoying twit. I do find that concerts bring out the worst in a lot of people. Concerts are full of juvenile idiots who chain-smoke,drink too much, scream too much, and try way too hard to be tough guys. Years ago none of this really bothered me except for the smoking part. There's nothing like waking up the morning after a concert with your sinuses feeling totally destroyed by cigarette smoke. It's because of all of this that I don't go to many concerts anymore. I just feel like I'm way out of touch with these people. I feel like the only thing I share with these freaks is the love of the music. These days for me to go to a concert it has to be a band I love. Friday I'll be seeing Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax. I'm driving 40 minutes, and dealing with all of the idiots for these three bands.
With all of this being said diehard metalheads are also the best music fans. All idiocy and juvenile behavior aside metalheads are the most passionate music fans you'll ever find. We'll defend the bands we love tooth and nail on message boards and face to face. We'll also point out bands that we think suck endlessly. This isn't always a good thing, but it's also done with passion. We're also ready to talk metal 24/7. One of the greatest things about being a metalhead is to talk about bands you love with like-minded people. We have spent and will continue to spend a ton of cash on cds, vinyl, t-shirts, and concert tickets. We wear our favorite band t-shirts with pride and honor. I can't go anywhere without someone telling me they like the band shirt I'm wearing.
While there are things that I hate about the genre's fans I have to respect them for certain things as well. I just don't enjoy being around them at a concert. This Friday I'll do my best to block out all of the morons and just focus on the music. HORNS UP!!! SLAAAAAAAAAAAAYER!!!!
1 comment:
I know they're the biggest assholes on the internet that's for sure.
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