Not a lot going on in the video game world...well nothing that exciting to me anyway. I'll have more to talk about as soon as September hits. I'm so picking up Beatles Rock Band on day one. Yes, I've been sucked into Rock Band 2 lately. For a while I was playing drums, but now I've decided I'd rather sing. I can so nail "Don't Stop Believing: by Journey on expert on vocals as well as "Take It On The Run" by REO Speedwagon. I'm ranked 200 and something on one of those songs on the leader boards. I also purchased Screaming For Vengeance. It's fun screaming like Halford. I also purchased Cannibal Corpse's "Hammer Smashed Face". I figured that would be a bitch on vocals, but it's easy. Other than that I haven't been playing much. I've gone back to Left 4 Dead even though I said I never would. For some reason it drags me back. I'm also playing my second season in be a pro mode in NHL 09. Can't wait for new games to start hitting the shelves.
Rock Band 2 and Left 4 Dead are some of the best games on Xbox. I will be there as well on day one with The Beatles: Rock Band. Perhaps we can jam together. Should be sweet.
If we are ever on xbl at the same time I'm definitely up for singing some Beatles tunes. :)
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