I haven't been this bored with video games, movies, television, and music in a long time. I've actually been digging into the past for my entertainment needs. I've been watching old (but new to me) episodes of South Park on Netflix as well as older movies that I never got around to watching. The other day I watched Michael Keaton in 'Clean & Sober' which I thought was pretty good. I've also been renting games that I never got around to playing like Too Human which I finished and enjoyed. I started playing Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, but sent it back to GameFly after only playing it a few hours. I just didn't care for it. Now I'm playing 'Fracture' which is a good game. I'm finding that I really like third person action adventure games.
So basically I'm looking to the past for my entertainment needs. Other than that I don't know what to say besides BRING ON SOME AWESOME NEW GAMES, MOVIES & MUSIC!!! I'm getting bored...really bored.
Have you tried Halo Wars? That is a fun game. Resident Evil 5 is really good as well.
RE5 is on my GameFlyQ. I'm not big on RTS games though I do own C&C Tiberium Wars. Not too thrilled with it though. I'll give it a shot though.
I still cant get to LZ2 Im playine MLBtheshow, again. A friend at work bought it. Still waiting for him to play me. He says he wants to practice for a while. I did play two online games yesterday. Lost both. The second I lost 1-0 by giving up a homer in the 9th.
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