Back in 1983 I became a huge Michael Jackson fan. I would listen to "Thriller" pretty much ever day for months. I was only 10/11 at the time. I can remember my Grandpa and some other family members giving me grief over being an MJ fan. I won't even get into some of the racist crap I heard from them. There was just something about MJ that was magical to me. I guess I was just a young impressionable kid. Later in 1983 heavy metal music came into the picture and I pretty much forgot about Michael Jackson.
There's no denying that he was/is an icon. When Fred Astaire compliments your dance moves you're basically a stud. I still believe that there was no greater entertainer than Michael Jackson. I also believe that there never will be. He was larger than life. He was the Elvis of my generation. I have nothing bad to say about him even though thousands of people on message boards are already ripping on him with jokes that are in bad taste. Even in death he can't be left alone.
In the 80's nobody was a bigger star. Not even Madonna. He had talent. He had massive stage presence. He made girls scream, cry, and even pass out. I don't care what anyone says. In the 80's Michael Jackson was THE MAN.
R.I.P. Michael Jackson